Welcome New Members

The Government Affairs Committee studies, analyzes & formulates positions on issues affecting the Los Altos business community, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on public policy positions, monitors government actions & communicates chamber positions to appropriate officials to encourage positive actions, attends city council or commission meetings and expresses chamber opinions.
Upcoming Guests

June Government Affairs
Senate Bill 1327 & Assembly Bill 2943
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming June Government Affairs Meeting via Zoom, where we will discuss critical legislative updates that could significantly impact our business community.
This month we will be joined by two speakers who will be presenting on two bills, Senate Bill 1327 - a tax on digital advertising and Assembly Bill 2943 - addressing retail theft.

May Government Affairs
Planning Parking, and a Downtown Park
For our May Government Affairs Meeting, City of Los Altos Development Services Director Nick Zornes and Assitant to the City Manager Anthony Carnesecca will be presenting. The City of Los Altos is working to explore the possibility of building a park with underground parking in Parking Plazas #1 and #2 that would provide a new community space on top of a new underground parking garage that would replace the existing at-grade parking plazas.
Past Guests

April Government Affairs
Save a Life - Narcan Education
Fentanyl is impacting our communities, especially young people: Since 2020, it's killed 159 people under 30 years old in Santa Clara County. Nationwide it's involved in 4 out of 5 Gen Z drug deaths.
Learning more about fentanyl and how to avoid it is the first step to save a life. But there are more ways to help. Knowing how to recognize a fentanyl overdose is one of them.
March Government Affairs
Downtown Los Altos Parking Strategy
The City of Los Altos is developing a Downtown Parking Strategy to address the Downtown's current and future parking needs. The City is committed to an inclusive and equitable engagement process to ensure the community is well informed about the project. We have invited Brian Canepa, head of the consultant team for the downtown parking study, to address our Chamber members at this Government Affairs meeting.
February Government Affairs
Small Business Tools – Intro to SBDC and SCORE Silicon Valley
Join us for our first Government Affairs meeting of 2024 hosted by the Los Altos Chamber of Commerce and City of Los Altos at the City of Los Altos Council Chambers. This month's gathering is set to spotlight invaluable support services for businesses and entrepreneurs, featuring two distinguished organizations dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance at zero cost. We will be joined by Edgar Ceron, Director Silicon Valley SBDC and Per Fernqvist, Vice Chair SCORE Silicon Valley.
December Government Affairs
CalChamber Vice President of Small Business Advocacy, Nick Ortiz
CalChamber Update – The Importance of Small Business Voices in the Capitol
Nick Ortiz serves as Vice President of Small Business Advocacy for the CalChamber, the state’s largest and broadest trade association. Nick is responsible for grassroots advocacy, small business engagement, and local chamber relations. Nick will provide an overview of the 2023 legislative session, a preview of what we expect for 2024 as well as the results of CalChamber’s recent “People’s Voice” annual poll.
November Government Affairs
City of Los Altos Development Services Director, Nick Zornes
Los Altos Housing Element Update
Join us for an in person Government Affairs meeting at the City Council Chambers with City of Los Altos Development Services Director Nick Zornes.
In this session Nick will provide a Housing Element Update. Topics will include an overview of what's going on it town, the changes that have occurred in the city code, a parking study for downtown and the hiring of the city’s housing manager.
September Government Affairs
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian
Lehigh Cement Plant Closure Community Update
We are excited to announce that Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian will update the Chamber about the closing of the Lehigh Cement Plant at a special September meeting taking place in person at City of Los Altos Council Chambers on Wednesday, September 27th from 9 to 10 am.
After over 80 years of operation, this is such a significant accomplishment for the health and welfare of our region. We hope you will come join us in person for this special September Government Affairs meeting.

April Governmental Affairs
Stacy Banerjee
Chair Los Altos Complete Streets Commission
City of Los Altos Complete Streets Masterplan
Please join us for our April Government Affairs meeting with Stacy Banerjee, Chair of the Los Altos Complete Streets Commission.
On October 25 2022, the Los Altos City Council unanimously approved the Complete Streets Master Plan that establishes a long-term vision to design and operate city streets that prioritizes safety, comfort, and access to destinations for all modes of transportation in the city of Los Altos.

February Government Affairs
Anthony Carnesecca, City of Los Altos
Economic Development Administrator
Los Altos Outdoor Dining Program Overview and Feedback Session
Join us via Zoom for the Los Altos Chamber Government Affairs meeting with Anthony Carnesecca, Economic Development Administrator with the City of Los Altos.
The city of Los Altos is committed to providing quality outdoor dining opportunities for businesses and community members. Thus, City staff has worked on a proposal for an outdoor dining program that fits the needs of businesses and creates a new dining standard moving forward.
City staff will present the program to the Los Altos Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee on Wednesday, February 1 at 9 AM via Zoom and then host a direct Q&A feedback session with business representatives on Thursday, February 2 at 10 AM at Rustic House (295 Main Street Los Altos, CA 94022). We encourage all business representatives to attend the Thursday session to provide feedback directly to staff.
Nick Zornes, City of Los Altos
Development Services Director
Join us via Zoom for the Los Altos Chamber Government Affairs meeting with Nick Zornes, Development Services Director with the City of Los Altos.
We will be discussing updates on the Housing Element and the future of Los Altos.
November Government Affairs
Matt Jacobs, Kaiser Permanente
Community & Government Relations Manager
Are you confused by the State Ballot Measures?
Join us via Zoom for the Los Altos Chamber, Government Affairs meeting as we review the State propositions with Matthew Jacobs, Community and Government Relations Manager, Kaiser Permanente.
October Government Affairs
Angela Averiett, Los Altos Police Chief
Meet the new Los Altos police Chief
Chief Averiett assumed her position as Los Altos Police Chief on August 1st. Join us to meet and welcome Chief Averiett to our community.
August Government Affairs
Sydnee Journel, Aurora Government Relations Manager
Aurora & Self Driving Technology in California
Join us for our August Government Affairs with Sydnee Journal, Government Relations Manager at Aurora. Sydnee will be giving an overview of Aurora as well as where self driving technology currently stands in California.
June Government Affairs
Larry Stone, Santa Clara County Assessor
COVID-19, Silicon Valley's Economy and Prospects for Recovery: Insights from Assessor Larry Stone
Assessor Larry Stone will delve into the post-pandemic economic health of Silicon Valley. Leveraging his knowledge as Assessor and founder of a successful Bay Area real estate investment and development firm, Stone will share his thoughts on how the various real estate sectors have performed, the prospects of their future, and the implications as the Silicon Valley economy recovers.